Dichotomies and Labels: The Benefits and Pitfalls

“At the end of the game, the pawn and the king go back in the same box.  ”


Type A vs. Type B.

Introvert vs. Extrovert.

Masculine vs. Feminine

Left vs. Right

Open vs. Conscientious

Vegan vs. Paleo

Technical vs. Artistic

Rich vs. Poor

Good vs. Evil

Teacher. Lawyer. Entrepreneur. Politician. Parent. Mechanic. Musician. Athlete. Celebrity. Hipster. Housewife.

Shy. Funny. Intuitive. Nice.

Yes, these words are useful.  They assist us in simplifying our thinking (System 1), saving mental resources.  They increase efficiency in communication.

But they can also be disabling.  They can group the individual into an unwanted collective. They can superficially identify people rather than fostering curiosity for people’s multiple interests and personality traits.  They can divide rather than bridge connection.  Individuals can internalize the labels and suppress their true selves.

But here’s the point: dichotomies and labels are BOTH true and untrue, depending on the lens through which you see them.  You can have your cake and eat it too.

Truth exists.  But language is representational.  Just like the music exists below the page, the meaning exists below the words.

Wrestle with concepts rigorously.  Use words to create patterns and identify trends.  But be aware of the effects of dichotomies and labels.

And everyone is striving to meet needs.  The strategies to meet such needs can have consequences, but everyone is striving to meet needs.

Everyone puts their pants on in the morning.

Be conscious.


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