Clarity is a fundamental human need. The GTD (Getting Things Done) method creates it. Clarity on your specific next tasks. Clarity on your purpose.
GTD creates space in your head. Because tasks aren’t cluttered in your mind, you’re free.
Free to be present, free to be creative.
Free to dream of future possibility.
The Self-Authoring Suite creates clarity. This program by psychologist Jordan Peterson (I’ve completed it entirely) is a comprehensive writing program about your past, present, and future.
I wrote 34,000 words about my past alone.
It’s not perfect (it’s never perfect), but I have damn pristine clarity on how my life has unfolded the past 30 years. My neurons have parsed out much of the cause and effect of my past decisions and experiences.
Clarity of mind.
I have been familiar with minimalism and decluttering for five or six years. The past two, I have stepped on the gas pedal and decluttered 99% of my things.
Except 2 or 3 remaining items, all my things are purposeful and pleasant.
The benefits of minimalism are numerous, but primarily, it clears space to do that which is meaningful. I feel lighter. I resonate. I am not bogged down.
The same is true with relationships. When you spend time with people you don’t like, it’s like owning objects you don’t like. They wear on you, and they prevent you from the joy you could have otherwise pursued with your precious time, energy, and attention.
I’m beginning to enjoy the fruits of my labor from my 20’s. The labor of practicing and refining GTD for 5 years. The labor of letting go of emotionally sentimental items and relationships. The labor of writing 50,000 often challenging, self-confronting words.
Doing hard things leverages reward.
I’ll keep growing.
You can too.