“Sales” has baggage. It’s conditioned into us (including me).
It implies that money is the fundamental motivator for the seller, that he or she will do anything for the money.
But we’re always selling.
If you’re making a case that “sales” is about greed, you are attempting to sell me on your argument.
So forget “sales.” Let’s call it influence.
A good influencer would not manipulate someone because he would build a reputation as dishonest.
A good influencer is authentic. A good influencer only wants you to purchase a product/service if he actually thinks it would benefit you. He plays the long game. He wants you to be genuinely and sustainably happy. He wants to build a reputation as someone who can be trusted.
Is money a factor? Sure. But is money not simply a signal that you created tangible valuable for someone else, someone who voluntarily forked over their hard earned cash?
I like influence. I like connection. I like listening, empathy, understanding, creativity, and meeting people’s needs. I like serving, generosity, and win-win interactions.
Win-win begets a harmonious world.
SalesForce Day 1 PDP
I jumped into the SalesForces sandbox today. Curious to learn this technology as a new professional skill.
– Read this great article on sales from Lolita Allgyer
– Signed up for Trailhead account
– Purchased Udemy course
– Figured out how to use Screencast-omatic for screen-casting (I’ll use this going forward as I learn out loud in my PDP)