Shout Out to All

Just want to give a shout to everyone – literally everyone alive on this amazing planet.

Each day you awaken and seek to try to get needs met. That simple.

Obstacles, challenges, failures arise. Each day you “could of done better.” Just like all of us, you’re fallible.

To be human is absolutely glorious and despite frustrations and agitations with ourselves and others, deep down, we all simply want to love and be loved.

Even those we identify as causing harm – they too are seeking to get needs met.

You are worthy of love, worthiness of happiness. You are enough….

Envision our globe from space – all the trials and triumphs that have ever happened – they happened on this sphere of glowing life.

All the errors, all the harm, all the anger, all the scorn. All the dreaming, all the sunsets, all the dancing, all the kisses. All the regret, all the yearning, all the terror, all the threats. All the smiles, all the sex, all the poems, all the helping.

It’s all happening day in and day out as we bipedal creatures seek to get needs met.

Be open. Be curious.

Wear big ears and a big heart.

“When we understand the needs that motivate our own and others behavior, we have no enemies.”
–Marshall Rosenberg

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