
Could you choose cheer no matter what?

Could you love all that happens to you, even the unwanted?

Could you revel in tragedy?

Could you find opportunity in adversity?

The answer is:

You could.

But you need to give yourself permission to smile.

We think:

X suffering is happening, Y tragedy is occurring, and Z uncertainty is ongoing.

Therefore, smiling and happiness is on hold, right?

That would be disrespectful, you see.

But… what if all that’s a false belief?

You don’t need to deny hard reality in order to welcome joy.

You always have the right to exist.
You always have the right to cheer.

Right now with the pandemic for instance:

– No more traffic and road rage
– People are spending time with their children
– K-12 state testing is cancelled
– People are reconnecting with friends old and new
– Zoom exists! Back in 1993, that was Star Trek level stuff.
– Neighborhoods everywhere are serenely quiet
– Technologies are getting created around the clock

I love all those things. šŸ™‚

And you’re allowed to, too. šŸ™‚

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