It’s easy to worry right now.
The question is, how does it help?
The mechanism of worry alerts you to actions you might need to take to prevent future catastrophe.
So how do you eliminate or minimize worry?
Start with noticing it, and realize that only a part of you is worried (not your wisest, True Self).
When you un-blend with the worried part, you gain more power over mind, pre-frontal cortex engagement, and action from a place of center. And you can comfort and soothe that worried part.
And taking action is crucial. If you’re worried about money, for instance, what is one step you can take this month to save more than you spend, or to earn more?
Or, if the worry is about something outside of your control (i.e. government passes laws or a solar flare hits the earth), then identify that.
If it’s inside your control, you can act, so worry is unnecessary.
If it’s outside your control, you can’t act, so worry is unnecessary.
I started reading Manual for Living by Epictetus, the ancient Stoic. He says (interpretation by Sharon Lebell):
“It’s much better to die of hunger unhindered by grief and fear than to live affluently beset with worry, dread, suspicion, and unchecked desire.”
IF truly terrible things are going to happen to us, we may as well be at inner peace and serenity when they happen….
All of this is easier said than done of course. I know I’m no expert.
But what baby steps can you do to move toward that direction? Maybe 10 years from now, if you improve 1% a day, you can operate from a place of self-mastery.