Often we think, “if it feels good, it must be a guilty indulgence.”
We assume that short-term pleasure means it’s not “good for us.”
Sure, eating doughnuts, spending money, checking social media, and watching TV don’t leverage long term value.
They feel good in the moment, and afterwards the high drops down, and maybe we feel regret for not investing that time towards wiser, meaningful, life-enriching activities.
What if you could have both?
What project is an indulgence and meaningful?
Can you fuse play with challenge?
For play is pleasurable.
And it can produce flow, and not become a passive time-waster.
It’s okay to do something for its own sake.
Regardless if it won’t earn income, won’t build your career, or leverage new opportunities.
Or maybe it will! But that doesn’t matter.
Because indulging in playful projects brings you real happiness. That’s a good enough reason.
And unlike the doughnut, you won’t regret it.