Sweat the Small Stuff



Sweat the Small Stuff.

That’s the title of a TED Talk I recently came across.  Except I haven’t watch it.  I haven’t even read the synopsis.

But I have a guess of its message:  feverishly take care of the little things, so you can still do the big ones.  Clean the kitchen so you can creatively cook.  Clear the runway so you can take off to 50,000 feet.

These are the principles I began to integrate in 2013 when I discovered David Allen’s book Getting Things Done.  I read the book, listened to series’ of podcasts, watched videos (77 min.), and immediately started practicing the method.

The pillars of this system for organization have overhauled my life.  I’ve become more at peace with to-do lists.  I live more in the moment.   I’m able to view my life with ‘eagle vision,’ to look ahead years in the future with more clarity and purpose.  I’ve freed myself to uncover deeper, subconscious emotions, examining the vast landscape that is the inner psyche.  I daydream more.  I trust myself more.  I’m more efficient with my work.

My mind is for having ideas, not holding them (17 min.)

I’ll refrain from outlining the entire “GTD” methodology here.  Most simply:

What is racing through your mind?  Get an oil change…don’t forget to email the team back….dentist appointment on Thursday, right?  Hmm, maybe someday I’ll go on a cruise.  

Write these all down, and put them in one place.  Collect Post-its lying around the office. Collect varying reminders and notes in your phone, and streamline them to one app.  I use Evernote on my laptop and phone.  This is the first of five steps in the process, “clearing the debris from the runway.”  All five steps are essential, but just getting through this collection stage will bring you a feeling of relief and sense of control.

Tackle these little things.  Then you can do more of what really matters. 🙂


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