“There are two types of people in this world: those who do things and those who watch other people do things.”
As I continue to mature, I more deeply see the importance of working proactively. This means staying ahead of the game. This means working in Quadrant 2 (important, non-urgent tasks) as often as possible. Quadrant 2 is where the crucial, creative action happens, and it prevents urgent tasks (crisis) from even occurring.
And it puts you in the driver’s seat. You’re steering the car, not just figuring out how the steering wheel works. You act on what you want to act on, not just what you have to act on.
That’s writing your own script.
To do this, you have to relentlessly take care of maintenance tasks, Stay on top of emails, do the dishes, take out the trash. Sweat the small stuff, and clear your path for innovation.
Sometimes the path is rough. Life slams you and you can’t sleep one night, throwing your game off the next day. Your car breaks down. You get in a fight with your friend. But you always have the choice to get back on track.
Will your life happen to you, or will you make your life happen?
There’s no one right way to live. But are you conscious?