“We all start with a small, harmless blob of curiosity, and we can ignore it, and maybe it will even die out or go away, just dissipate. But if we feed it, the more that curiosity consumes, the more it expands, and the more we find the world as a whole to be fascinating.”
–T.k. Coleman
In episode 2, we discuss the cultivation of curiosity and intrinsic motivation in pursuing one’s endeavors:
– The summer thirst for Harry Potter
– Intrinsic benefits vs. “making” yourself do something
– Kindling the fire, building the curiosity blob
TK Coleman, Education Director, Praxis – http://tkcoleman.com/
Praxis – https://discoverpraxis.com/
Getting Things Done – https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280
The Curiosity Blob – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_THrpj83xsk&t=37m49s