5 Ways to Enhance Your Life in 1 Minute a Day


When you think “change,” you think of an all-encompassing, paradigm-shifting, heavy-lifting project. You know that change would be beneficial, but it feels overwhelming, and thus paralyzing.

But true change occurs through super-small adjustments adding up over the course of the long haul.

What’s one ridiculously small improvement you could do before bed tonight, in less than one minute? Here are 5:

– Sit down and close your eyes (15 seconds)
– Notice your breathe and your distracted mind (30 seconds)
– Open your eyes and go on to your next activity (15 seconds)

 – Put your shoes on (20 seconds)
– Go outside and walk to the end of the driveway and back (30 seconds)
– Come back inside (10 seconds)

Do 10 push-ups:
– (30 seconds)

Make Your Bed:
– Adjust and tidy sheets (15 seconds)
– Add desired blankets (25 seconds)

 – Download Evernote (20 seconds)
– Write down everything that’s on your mind (40 seconds)


Maybe 1 minute seems so short that it’s not worth it. I disagree. It’s totally worth it because you begin to see the compounding benefits of such practices: the mental clarity, the sense of accomplishment, the respite from the busyness of life, or the slightly bigger pecs.

The reason many people fail to execute on these types of habits is not the time that it takes (although that’s the reason they may provide).

It’s the effort it takes to set an intention and execute on it consistently.

Inertia, the notion that an object at rests stays at rest, also applies to human behavior. Everyday action builds momentum. If you “get the ball rolling,” in 1 minute for 1 day, you’ll be more energized to keep it rolling the next day.

What’s your next move?





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