Government and Childhood (and dogs licking mirrors)

“For your own good” is a core reason parents choose to hit their kids.

And it’s a core reason people believe government is necessary.

This is unconscious for most people. But it’s true.

The reality is “government” is just an illusion that means a group of individuals whose funding comes at the threat of violence, at the point of the gun.

Yes, at the point of a gun.

This is not hyperbolic libertarian rhetoric. Gun-point is what will happen if you resist paying taxes (and resist being arrested for not paying taxes). There is no argument to dispute this. I am always open to hearing one, but there simply isn’t one!

This is why libertarian-anarchist-voluntarist-consensualist podcasters and thought leaders always seem to run circles around anyone who tries to argue against them. There isn’t an argument….

There’s just rationalization for aggression.

Which stems from childhood.

(OK, now here’s some comic relief).

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