Seize the Fear




“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”
– Tim Ferriss

“It’s better to regret the things you did, than the things you didn’t.”


Let’s be honest.  Fear is a super difficult emotion to face.

But it’s way better on the other side.

Every time I’m considering leaving my comfort zone, no matter how much I intellectually know it will benefit me, I still search for reasons not to do it.

Somehow, I never die from the experience.  🙂

Not just that, every time I go through with the decision, I am glad I did it.  Even if the decision didn’t end up working out for me, I’m glad and proud I went through with the attempt.

Be it:
– Starting a conversation with that girl at the gym who’s ‘out of my league’
– Applying to that job that’s ‘out of my league’
– Emailing/calling/approaching professionals in my field
– Disagreeing in a political conversation
– Sending that honest but vulnerable text to a friend
Learning a brand new skill (16′)
– Clicking ‘publish’ on half of these blog posts

Stay Hungry.  Stay Foolish.  To live the life you’ve imagined, run towards the pain.

Carpe Diem.

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