Why Watch the News?




It’s not that you *shouldn’t* watch the news, but do you know why you do?

Do you gain value from the time you invest?  Is there a better way to use that time?

Do you follow the news because you think you are obligated to stay up to date on how other people are suffering?  Or because you think you need to somehow suffer with those people experiencing tragedy, because that’s a kind act?  Then you can feel less guilty about the wonderful aspects of your life?

By dragging yourself down into negative feelings, what are you actually accomplishing for self or others?  You’re already busy with your daily, immediate life.  How can you use your precious time on this planet to empower yourself, improve your life, and improve others’ lives, within your sphere of control?

I’m not taking an extreme position of sheltering yourself from what’s actually occurring in reality.  But even if you are forming opinions about current events, and discussing them with your friends, how much are you actually doing to create change?

How about dedicating 10, 30, or 60 minutes a day to self care – journaling, yoga, walking, playing, meditation, resting, therapy – and initiate real change in your own life?

Recently, I discovered Facebook News Feed Eradicator.  Life changing. : )

If you get sucked into the 24/7 news cycle on either television or social media, you’re probably just going to be less happy.

And that’s not doing anyone any favors.

How will you spend your 1440 minutes a day?


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