The Power of Your Previous Self




The path to a superior version of yourself?  A previous version of yourself.

Within you there is the child you once were.  The child who knew not of right-doing and wrong-doing.  The child who was innocent, dependent.  The child who painted, sang, and jumped on the couch without fear or inhibition.

Then he was squashed.  He learned to act certain ways to please others, or avoid pain.  He learned to play it cool rather than enthusiastically declare his passions.  He learned to keep quiet rather than ask questions.

It wasn’t his fault, and by extension, it isn’t your fault.  The past version of you was simply seeking to make the best of his circumstances, over which he only had so much control.

That younger you will always exist within your psyche.  You have a choice: to forget about him, or to embrace him.

Embrace him.

You will build self-confidence.  You will develop self-compassion.  You will more deeply understand your emotions.  You will harness and honor your unique, creative, individual self.

And when you do this, who knows what you could do?


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