The Ducks That Leave the Row


I’m a person who likes to have my ducks in a row.

That picture of music stands?  I took that, to show my students my preferences in how to properly put them away after rehearsals.

And I honestly believe it’s crucial to creativity and productivity.  Today I organized and labeled file folders in my desk drawer.  Afterwards, I felt lighter and more mentally nimble, and I proceeded to play with possibility over next semester’s repertoire choices, as well as produce a new survey for potential new recruits.  By clearing debris from the runway, I was able to lift off.

That all said….

When does cleaning, organizing, and clarifying actually get in the way of constructive action?

Is there a psychological phenomenon in which we justify tidying, in order to delay the real work of moving projects forward?  Or, delaying admitting to the underlying reason you want to avoid that real work?

Maybe it’s impossible to have all your ducks in a row.  If you look closely in the photo, those music stands aren’t perfect anyway.

Maybe it’s better to make more messes.

And clean as you go.


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