World Peace Begins in Your Closet




What is the evolutionary purpose for your mental images of past events?

In the case of an event being a positive, pleasurable one, its purpose is: let’s remember that, so we can experience it, or a similar event, again.

In the case of an event being a mishap, an error, or a pain, it’s purpose is: let’s remember that, so we make sure to avoid it in the future.

That all seems fundamental.  You learn from the past to create a better future.

But here’s a curveball: there could also be experiences in the past that you’ve disassociated, because it’s too painful to remember the pain.  This totally makes sense.  Suppressing the memories is easier than facing them consciously. Pushing them down helps you meet your need for comfort.

When you suppress, though, you’re not able to learn, and thus manifest new, enriching futures.  The memories get boxed up and shoved to the back of the closet, forgotten.

But the memories don’t disappear.  They still linger and pull on your psyche, yearning for recognition.

Unpack those boxes, and you can learn from them.  Unpack those boxes, and you can live consciously.  Open the closet, shine the flashlight, unpack those boxes, curiously identify their contents, and free yourself to live harmoniously.

Harmonious living brings harmonious relationships brings harmonious communities and harmonious societies.

World peace begins with a tended closet.

Love and warmth,

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