46 Hacks and Lessons I’ve Learned during my 20’s

  1. Sleep between 10 PM and 12 AM is the most restorative sleep cycle
  2. Eat Real Food, but don’t force yourself
  3. Meditate 5 minutes upon awakening in the morning
  4. Move your body doing things you love
  5. Create deep work time; utilize the pomodoro technique
  6. Journal stream of consciousness to externalize your cluttered mind
  7. Complete Nathaniel Branden’s sentence completion program (5 minutes a day) to uncover your authentic self
  8. Every month, review the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying, and journal about how you will counteract those regrets via this exercise
  9. Implement the Getting Things Done system
  10. Get out of debt via Dave Ramsey’s tested system
  11. Sell your crap and invest in what matters
  12. Unsubscribe from junk email
  13. When in doubt, choose gratitude
  14. Make your bed (you’ve already checked off one box right away!)
  15. Unplug from technology – at least email – once a week
  16. Do the most difficult things first – The Obstacle is the Way
  17. Empathize with your future self
  18. Get your email inbox to zero
  19. Write every “to-do” down that’s in your head, right now.
  20. Move your body throughout the entire day
  21. Eat turmeric to uplift your cognitive health
  22. Do the Five-Minute Journal to optimize your day and train your perception
  23. Name your negative feelings if you want to relieve them
  24. You child self needs to matter
  25. Honesty is the foundation of all healthy, flourishing relationships
  26. Your life will always be comprised of problems
  27. When in doubt, turn your phone off
  28. Lean into the discomfort
  29. Curiosity is a major pillar of happiness
  30. Happiness doesn’t mean always mean feeling good
  31. Happiness has numerous definitions
  32. Definitions of words really matter
  33. For some reason, discussing sexuality (creating people) is more taboo than discussing violence (killing people)
  34. Say “my pleasure” and “you’re welcome” more than “no problem.”
  35. Say “thanks for waiting” rather than “sorry I’m late.”
  36. To be a good listener, don’t worry about nodding and eye contact. Ask curious and clarifying follow questions.
  37. All facets of health interact symbiotically
  38. Get in nature once a week to re-set
  39. Walking and showering are the best ways to think
  40. You have no intrinsic obligation to associate with anyone
  41. The number one way to create a peaceful world is through self-connection. Number two is through peaceful parenting. Number three is through innovation
  42. Your psyche is comprised of numerous parts.
  43. It’s better to regret the things you did, than the things you didn’t
  44. The word “selfish” needs much further clarity of definition
  45. Persistence beats perfection
  46. You are worthy of happiness, simply by breathing right now

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