
It takes little effort to find evidence of destruction, disconnection, and dishonesty in our culture.

There’s much for which to be grateful, but that doesn’t mask the reality that humans are not flourishing with peace, harmony, and joy.

So I have one question:

How are you contributing?

No, I’m not asking, “what are you doing to improve the world?”

I’m asking, “what are you doing to hurt the world?”

Now, know that I’m not accusing you.

I’m not judging you.
I’m not shaming you.
I don’t think you’re evil.

It’s a hard world to navigate, even with the best intentions and actions.

There’s no value to belittle you and call out your flaws.

Quite the contrary!

I think you’re already perfect. You’re more than enough. You are whole, just the way you are.

At the same time, I’m curious.

I’m curious if you’ve looked in the mirror.

Because the mirror simply shows objective reality. Cause and effect.

You’re a beautiful human who is worthy of happiness.

AND with that intrinsic worth comes the possibility of fallibility.

So in one sense you’re perfect, in another, you are prone to error.

So maybe, your very belief system is supporting the issues in our culture.

Do you advocate for government school? You are unwittingly supporting coercion.

Are you a proponent for government intervention? You are unwittingly supporting coercion.

Do you believe in welfare programs? You are unwittingly supporting coercion.

For what’s deeper to the root of destruction, than coercion?

But I (really) think you’re beautiful! That inner child of yours, is most curious and joyful and unique. And I revel in that!

So reconnect to that inner child, and ask some questions.

Just don’t beat yourself up.

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