The root of the root of all roots is this:Break the cycle of self-hate."Self-hate" is the incessant voice telling you: - You're not productive enough - You're not fit enough - You're not compassionate enough - You're not good enoughEtc.This…
Author: admin
I participated in a Sales Mastermind hosted by my friend Nick, joined by 5 or 6 others. It was a valuable 90 minutes!…
Finished the course. But credentials mean little. Proof of applicable knowledge coming soon.…
Recapped Dynamic Dashboards in filling in knowledge gaps. These allow users to access data (i.e. all opportunities closed in last quarter) temporarily.…
Took practice exam - 46% correct (need 65%). We'll now study to fill knowledge gaps.…
Continuing practice exam.…
Began practice test. Will leverage my inevitable failures to fill in knowledge gaps.…
Sample Question #3. Correct answer is B, as "enable" is key word. Need to grant access to a user to add product manager for a specific opportunity.…
You are getting obsessed. Obsessed can be good. Get enthralled with what makes you come alive and do it with abandon.I'm…
Sample exam question: Answer is A, Profiles. Profiles is where to grant or remove access for users:…
Installed Salesforce Adoption Dashboard apps. This is a third-party app that generates new dashboards. For sales and marketing, this could mean showing new lead trends, or leads without key fields populated.…
Began lecture on AppExchange - linking third party apps to enhance Salesforce for your org.…
Why is philosophy so phun?I can entertain any thought with open-minded skepticism. I am liberated.I am liberated through humility, knowing that I am always open to audit my assumptions.…
Wrapped up Salesforce app settings.…
Began diving into Salesforce App and connecting it to your org.…
Finished Process Builder and activated.…
Began to create Process. Processes are built up workflow rules - multiple step rules. In this example, when an opportunity achieves Closed-Won and is greater than $500,000, a contract is drafted for the client, congratulatory Chatter post sent, and follow up scheduled.…
Approval Process Visualizer:…
Continuing with Approval Process details:…
Continuing with Approval Processes, here is a working definition an example, to provide context of these procedures.The…
Began Approval Process lecture:…
A clean space is inspiring for the creative process.Some follow through on this knowledge, some keep it a vague thought strand.What…
Created time-based workflow rule. This means activating new tasks or emailer alerts once a rule is completed, such as closing an opportunity.…
Workflow Rules Created workflow rule to change opportunity record type to "Won" after the deal is closed/won.For…
With the new Custom Report Type now created, I ran a new report for Accounts with Contacts and Cases.…
Created custom report type: accounts that also have cases and contacts:…
Began Custom Reports…
Sharing Reports/Dashboards In System Permissions, one can share view/edit access to different users/roles:…
Simple.Underneath every statement you make you assume:"I'm open to being wrong and would love to know if I am."…
Dived into Dashboards, which take reports and graph in different visual fields:…
Sharing Reports Individual users will only see opportunities (or leads, campaigns, etc.) if that user has been given access (set to private) to the data when it was created.So…
Authenticity is what excites me about sales. Sales Gorilla Podcast is all about that. Today I'll give my takeaways on an episode: "How To Tell If You're a Sales Gorilla:" - Sell to people who you actually want to work with - Be damn good at what you offer (great product/service) - Be excited about … Continue reading How To Tell If You’re a Sales Gorilla…
Customizing/Saving Reports A report can be customized in numerous ways and then saved via Save As.…
Reports Reports deliver data on records organized in different ways.You can create a Summary Report, i.e.…
You could be 28, or 38, or 48, or 58.You think "you're too old" to transform your life. You "missed out."So…
Data cleaning is essential in Salesforce. The Date Export component of Data Management exports accounts.One…
Validation Code Created code to create rule that "only contact owner can change Twitter profile."…
Data Loader Data Loader helps pump in leads and keep records clean.…
Data Management Tested data import and transfer ownership of accounts. Data (i.e. new leads or contacts) is imported through a csv.Data…
ChatterChatter is like Twitter but only for your Salesforce org. You can create groups, create polls, questions, etc.You…
Activity ManagementNumerous components that can be adjusted as an administrator such as custom fields, tasks, and events.(Tasks…
How to sling-shot a stone in one direction?Pull back in the opposite direction.How to solve problems in the external world?Invest…
Continuing Activity Management. Basic admin tasks here.Logged a mock call, and set a task to confirm attendance at meeting.…
Activity Management - today I touched on this briefly. Created Activities and On Site Meetings for clients: Moving forward, managing Collaboration (or Chatter) will come to the spotlight.…
Voting: the winner demands the loser to behave.Demands are not a harmonious way of life.Say what you want about "it's the best system available," or "let's work with what we've got."I'm…
Love is an action. It's not vague. It's not sentimental. It's concrete and specific. It's curiosity. It's honesty.It's…
Communities Communities facilitates users sharing and collaborating with customers, business partners, and employees.…
Created categories for Solutions - this allows users to search for solutions in an efficient/organized manner when addressing specific cases.…
Just want to give a shout to everyone - literally everyone alive on this amazing planet. Each day you awaken and seek to try to get needs met.…
Played with flexibility in page layouts for Solutions, and created new Solution Layout (example: Healthcare Solution).…
Short session. Added custom field in Solution Fields.…
Solution Management vs. Sales Force KnowledgeSalesforce Knowledge is a newer, more flexible tool (requiring a separate license) to assist SFDC users with providing solutions to customer cases.Here's…
Cases Began in the Cases (service) aspect of Salesforce.This is where the Customer Service user can solve service issues in an organized manner.The…
When faced with a difficult yet purposeful task (aligns with goals), choose cost-benefit analysis.Avoid willpower depletion.…
Began multi-faceted task of campaign influence, which allows marketers to report on how a marketing campagins has inlfluenced an opportunities.…
Campaigns and HierarchyCreated a campaign in planning stage, indicating expected cost and expected revenue.…
Web-to-Lead Form Create a rule for auto-response email that would be went to a new lead who completed an opt-in form on a webpage.The…
Lead Assignment Rules Created new rule for lead source - if lead arrives via Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn, then automatically assigned to a particular user.This…
Converted an open lead to an opportunity (lead is a preliminary, potential sale, while an opportunity has gained traction).…
New Price Books One can add/adjust a price book in order to customize an opportunity based on industry, region, customer type, etc.…
Today, I added products to open opportunity. As an administrator, one is able to adjust price points for individual opportunities based on particular customer.…
While pursuing growth, you are enough. While making mistakes, you are enough. While inner educators chatter, you are enough.…
Sales Path In Lightning Experience, an administrator can provide fields and guidance for each stage in an opportunity via the Sales Path.…
Sales Process Created record types (Service and Products) for potential sales opportunities. These indicate the status of an opportunity (closed/won, or probability of closing).…
Built new Custom Fields today, in the Executive Review object. These build in features for when building new objects inside an opportunity.…
Joe Dimaggio hit in 56 straight baseball games in 1941. But some of those games, he merely hit 1 single. 1 single is all one needs to continue and progress.…
Finished up video #23. About 1/4 of the way through the course.Executed full custom object creation - the Executive Review is now visible as a tab.…
Standard vs. Custom ObjectsStandard Objects are all included with Salesforce. This includes opportunities, leads, contacts, and accounts.Custom…
Groups and Teams Group (Executive Team) now has access to read opportunities owned by Sales Director In above CEO Opportunity (owned by fictitious CEO Joel Bein), the Admin User now joins the specific opportunity with access to read/write…
Unseen costs. Deficient conscientiousness. This is how I view the rise of the digital landscape. Text.…
Moving to the Content application from Salesforce. Here, content (documents/URL's) can be shared and stored, via Libraries.…
Permission Sets allows the administrator to modify access for particular profiles, i.e. manage chatter groups.…
(Back at my PDP after a brief hiatus to focus on NOCP).Continuing with security settings, we enter sharing settings.It's…
Mike from Udemy is beginning to head into the meat and potatoes of the course.Admittedly feeling uncertain about this territory at the moment.…
Another 5-minute pomodoro today. The inner critic voices: "you should have started working earlier."Another voice confers, sleep.So,…
Quick session. I set a 5 minute pomodoro to maintain my non-zero day streak.Recap: - System Administrators can oversee functions in user profiles such as login hours, password policies, and Systems Permissions.…
Freeze a userIf an employee has left the company and still has tasks, contacts, or other relevant data attached to his or her profile, the System Administrator can freeze the profile.Freezing…
Recap: - Finished introduction to UI - Began navigation of managing individual user A central piece from today's session was identifying scenarios in which a user is having an issue logging in.…
Before you bowl, you need bowling pins set-up.You need a bowling ball that fits your fingers.You need a clean bowling lane (maybe with bumpers).You…
To clarify on this PDP. I will be working this PDP for 30 days - May 8 to June 8, deep diving into SalesForce Administrator Course on Udemy.(Note:…
"Sales" has baggage. It's conditioned into us (including me).It implies that money is the fundamental motivator for the seller, that he or she will do anything for the money.But…
I'd rather call. Better hit of oxytocin. Better communication.I'll respect you to assume I appreciate the benefits and conveniences.…
Nourishment and recharge are vital. You know it. I know it. Yet soaked inside of us is the drive to work.…
Starting is everything. Starting ignites momentum.Starting sparks excitement.Starting conquers Resistance.Starting…
Action creates ripple. 5 minutes meditating at 6:10 AM: you increase mindfulness 1% at 2:35 PM. Intention permeates.…
Eliminate clutter. Physical objects. Mental to-do's. Emotional residue. Be free.…
You know the Mark Twain quote. But how does it apply to you? Real education is simple: Live life. Follow your interests.…
Starting to write: Resistance. Starting cold showers: Resistance. Starting a cold call: Resistance. Starting a chest press: Resistance.…
And in the interest of stealing without apology, I'm taking the question template from Praxis participant Lacey Jade Lanzo.…
Clarity is a fundamental human need. The GTD (Getting Things Done) method creates it. Clarity on your specific next tasks.…
Eliminating the phrase “have-to” from your vocabulary is empowering. Really, everything you do is a choice.…
Employees do their jobs. Linchpins create their jobs. Employees give their time for a paycheck. Linchpins give their soul for fulfillment.…
Every decision plants a seed, or impacts the planting. Your decision to make a phone call today will ricochet to your future self 12 years from now. …
At times, you're overwhelmed. At times, obstacles seem insurmountable. At times, it seems you're in not only a rut, but a ditch.…
School It sucks (and we all know it). Homework is drudgery. Going to classes we're compelled to attend is boring.…
Listen: give presence. Listen: give attention. Listen: give curiosity. Listen: give space. Listen: give simplicity.…
Discontentment reveals the discrepancy between current reality and envisioned reality.…
Remember. Behind Resistance is Love. Take 1 step a day. What could you do for 5 minutes per day? Write your own script.…
Capital T Truth. Does it exist? Does existence exist? If not, we've committed a stolen concept fallacy. But do fallacies matter?…
"What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." --Sidonie Gabrielle Colette Today I turn 30, and Gratitude and Abundance are what I wish to cultivate.…
Self-Care is No Bubble Bath. It's doing the work to get organized, preventing daily stress, It's saying no to another Netflix episode, ensuring optimum sleep quality.…
Not to be confused with Attention to Detail. Ship, publish, send, create, do, express. Why not?…
The component of the Getting Things Done system that requires the most time-energy investment is the Weekly Review.…
Inventory your stuff. Clear the clutter. Keep that which sparks joy. Inventory your relationships. Let go of the toxic.…
Cultural impediments to human joy, thriving, and flourishing lie within each individual. Self-knowledge, high self-esteem, logical clarity, authentic expression - these are the real pathways to build a harmonious, compassionate, loving world of win-win interactions.…
"Be yourself, everyone else is taken." "Be yourself, you have supply and demand covered." "Say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."…
I was overcome with gratitude for the richness of my 20's. I was overcome with chills and awe, via Strauss and Shostakovich.…
I've been off all social media for 2 weeks. Life is deeper. Things are one step closer to how it was, Before.…
Type A executes. Type A produces. Type A thinks critically. Type A is efficient. Type B dreams.…
Logs don't start campfires. Tinder does. Successful campfires are built upon carefully layered, finely spaced twigs of tinder.…
You are a unique human being with creativity bursting inside of you. But when you attended school, the playful, uninhibited, curious, individualistic, creative self went into hiding.…
I'm on page 146 of Choose Yourself, by James Altucher. Here are my takeaways so far: The traditional economy has changed fundamentally.…
Season 1 wraps up! Non-Violent Communication (NVC) trainer Katie Testa joins me to unpack an empowering methodology that tackles an essential question: how do you interact with your every day internal chatter?…
Learning is doing what you don’t know how to do *while* you still don’t know how to do it." These past months I've been heads down, building.…
I've preached the value of honesty time after time. Honesty wins. Honest builds foundation. Honesty creates connection.…
“You are a human with one life and it is up to you to make it the best life you can.” – Dan Howell Discussed: - Forget anyone else's expectations - You are the CEO of Your One Life - Go sleep (even though most people don't) - Go get out of debt (even though … Continue reading Ep.…
*Thanks for pardoning the echoed sound quality in this episode!* If you want to do what you love, quit doing what you hate.…
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” …
Joel just got back from a walk. Now it's your turn. Discussed: - Stronger legs = sharper brain - How the 'aha' moment of inspiration is facilitated - Making deposits in your health and empowerment bank account - Perfect opportunity to implement a new habit - Doing vs.…
Happiness is a widely defined word. My thesis? Don’t pursue it directly. Discussed: – The multiple definitions of happiness – Etymology of the word “happy” – Happiness as a recipe of chili – Happiness as a well-rehearsed orchestra Mentioned: The Five Minute Journal …