Be warm towards people.Be warm towards self.Be warm towards the inner critic.Be warm towards frustrated parts.Be…
Author: admin
You were designed to thrive.To become: - healthy - overjoyed - intimate and honest in friendships - excited to wake up - bonded to loving people - engaged in meaningful challenge - creating daily - full of abundance and wealth - trusting of self and othersIt takes effort.But…
I've begun How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins. Here are my notes, pg. 1-19: Selling is freedom.…
Pretense is everywhere.Games.False selfs. Assumptions.Small talk.Evasion.Go along to get along.Fear.Taboo.Decorum.Pink…
Fires need time to catch.Let your past hard work breathe.Idle time is oxygen.…
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."We all know that quote. The question is, do we take concrete action towards its message?For…
Never underestimate:- what you can accomplish in 10 years- the power of 5 minutes of focusTake baby steps.Never…
Heal through talking.Heal through writing.Heal through connecting.Heal through honesty.Heal through compassion.Heal…
Mindset is everything. Attitude is everything.You have agency.You have power.You can choose your perception.You…
We need space in our schedule.We need down time.We need moments to churn on what we've consumed.Turn off the podcast.…
Your first 4 years on the planet wired your roots.Your abilities to love, be open, trust, accept yourself, and express yourself were nurtured.…
Accept you woke up later than planned.Accept you weren't as productive as possible.Accept you cried.Accept…
How do you know what you think you know?How are you so sure?How much are you relying on what others say?You…
Make eye contact.Go on a phone-less walk in nature.Eat mindfully.Meditate.Deep read a novel.Deep listen, to a full album.Have…
Desire is tricky.Desire is fuel for growth and joy.Yet desire leaves us wanting more, even when we have achieved.Can…
Life is all games.Contexts, pretense, practices, assumptions, rules.But you can choose to play games as an infinite player.A…
Plant seeds today.Because "living in the moment" is maximized when you live with purpose.Who will you be in 2030?…
Starting companies is hard. Before he launched Uber, Travis Kalanick "heard 100 'no's' a day for 6 years."…
The highest form of self-interest includes generosity.Not sacrifice.Sacrifice is opposing your own will, saying yes when you wish to say no, and saying no when you wish to say yes.Out…
Actions marinate in your mind.Whether you create or consume, that activity stirs in subconscious and swims through mind, after the activity ends.That's…
Great lives are forged.Self-driven.Self-determined.Self-destined.You can go along with the tides, float on the cultural river.…
Sure, yes, self-acceptance and self-compassion. I can do that, but not if I've done something TRULY TERRIBLE.…
You are already perfect.You are imperfect too.You are a human who makes errors. You are fallible.Yet, you are perfect as is.…
Yesterday is DONE. Learn, but let go.CRUSH today, 1,000%.Plant seeds. Focus. Be specific. Go for the gold.…
Habits nuggets: - Micro-habits are the key - Habit stacking shapes routine and results - Habits create ripples.…
You show up to your job when you're not inspired.You show up when your throat is sore.You show up when you were up all night with a crying baby.You…
Vulnerable yields connection.Vulnerable yields honesty.Vulnerable yields intimacy.Vulnerable yields trust.Vulnerable…
The root of "culture" is "cult." Doing things:on autopiloton beliefon pretenseon conformityon traditionon dogmaThe antidote to culture is curiosity.The…
Be so good they can't ignore you. Be so prepared you can't do it wrong.Be so great you bask in excellence. The thing is, mastery ain't about some noble good.…
Seek advice, then ignore it.The mother of all is advice is:Think critically about all advice. Apply it to the uniqueness that is your life only as it makes sense to the uniqueness that is your life.…
Yes, dream.Yes, learn.Yes, consume.Yes, meet people.Yes, be inspired.But the bigger yes is to do.Execute.Hold…
Life is short. Dream big. Really big. Really, REALLY big. In your dreams, are you: overjoyed to be with your lover?…
Values are the foundation of joy. Define yours specifically, define yours philosophically. Sharing values with another human brings oneself incredible visibility: that person thinks like you, that person sees the world like you, that person lives like you.You…
You're busy failing and striving and getting knocked over. You're busy blazing a trail and getting poked by branches and pricked by thorns and blinded by leaves.…
Keep swimming.Even when your goggles are blurred. Trust the excitement of your past self's choice to begin.…
Today is new.Let go.Today is new.Evolve forward.Today is new.Create something.Today is new.Forget others' expectations.Today…
You can choose to think or not to think. That's volition. That's freedom. Thinking is hard. It's one thing to read a book, it's another to effortfully understand it.…
How you spend your days is how you spend your life.Live each day with peak awareness of preciousness.Leave no time for nonsense.Be…
Note your progress.Be mindful of your previous visions.Several months or years ago, you had desires of who would become.…
Execution is essential. Everyone has shower ideas. Few execute.But don't forget to also value the power of intention.Intention…
Less time. More focus. Productivity = time spent X intensity of focus.We say, "I need to spend more time" on a project, practice, or pursuit.We…
To excel, one needs to commit. Do deep work. Find flow. Eliminate attention from everything else the world can lure.Yet,…
If you want more money, give more money.If you want more smiles, give more smiles.If you want more hugs, give more hugs.If…
Getting things done not only gets things done, it frees you to get other things done. An unchecked box prevents you from checking the box below.In…
Identity is tricky.The activities we do shape identity.The purposes we seek shape identity.The people we see shape identity.In…
Make time to: Be with peopleCall peopleWrite peopleAsk questions about peopleMake eye contact with peopleCreate compassion for peopleCelebrate with peopleTravel with peopleLaugh with peopleLife is short.…
Be skeptical of so-called "skeptics.""Skeptics" are dogmatic, just like "believers."As soon as one latches to a label, one ends critical thinking.A…
Authenticity is saying yes or no when you truly wish to say yes or no.It's teaming with the child self, the True Self, to say what you actually think, to assert what you actually want, to express what you actually feel.It's…
To win your dreams, you need hard work.And you need belief. Belief is not an ethereal, Disney-only concept.…
Rather than comparing your Insecure Reel to another's Highlight Reel, get curious. What behind-the-scenes struggle and strife might this person experience?…
No one is coming to take care of you. The lizard-brain desire to be supported, comforted, and rested is real and valid.…
To live happily, motivation needs to be internal.Yes, it "works" to be motivated through carrots and sticks.…
Trust is the foundation.Trust nurtures children.Trust cultivates win-win.Trust fosters harmony.Trust unveils honesty.Trust…
The True Self needs time to emerge.She's been locked away.She needs trust, and an invitation to speak freely.…
We have the choice to be curious.We have the choice to not take things personally.We have the choice to see all words, statements, and convictions as attempts to get needs met.Ignore…
Truth walks the tightrope.Perfect example: are things getting better or worse in the modern world?Yes. Globally poverty is decreasing.Loneliness…
This holiday season, be mindful of your deposits and withdrawals.In your health bank account.You'll be invited to eat cookies and pie, and stay up late.Those…
Risk ignites possibility.Risk ignites aliveness.In 20 years, you'll regret what you didn't do more than you did do.Lean…
I hate the word "success." When I hear "success," I think:StardomMoneyAccomplishmentStatusAwardsCloutTitlesPeople like youAre there real human needs in that list?Yes,…
All actions can be investments.Call your friend. Reinforce relationship. Glean future benefits.Go to nature park.…
Do more of what makes you happy.Do less of what sucks.Do nothing that sucks.Say "no" often, to clear space in your day/week/month/year/life.Say…
What is freedom?Choice.Space.Time.No obligation.No duty.Options.Margin.Wealth.Abundance.Openness.Philosophy.Consistency.Respect.Autonomy.Reciprocity.Radical honesty.Radical…
Plant seeds daily. Measure a "productive" day by the seeds you plant. The harvest will arrive on its own.…
Be intentional with positive thinking.The self-help caricature of positive thinking is to mask over problems.…
Let go of assumption.Embrace possibility.Let go of resentment.Embrace growth.Let go of resistance.Embrace creativity.Let…
Live on purpose.Hone self-leadership.Hone executive functioning.Sharpen your sword.Dream, plan, execute.Wake…
Typically, a meaningful life is thought of in terms of pursuing projects, experiences, and relationships that matter.…
We often fall into black-and-white thinking."This is correct. That is incorrect."But what if, both this and that are correct?…
I made a mistake yesterday. The cycle was ignited in me. I became angry and frustrated when teaching, and I didn't meet my need to hold compassion and respect of others, particularly kids.This…
Momentum is a real phenomenon. Yet, what is it?It's fuel. Fuel spawns from action. With action, reality offers feedback.…
Happiness is a quotient of factors.Purpose is a primary factor.Purpose is:IntentionalitySpecificityEfficiencyPriorityConvictionNo BSSaying NoFueled by WHYForward TiltDreaming BigDoingGo get shit done.…
Growth is possible. Growth is transformational. Transformation is hard. Self-honesty and self-knowledge is hard.…
The voices are not YOU.The voices are fragmented parts of you.The voices are not YOU.The voices are remnants of your unchosen conditioning.The…
"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."Great quote. It teaches us to be deliberate, accurate, present, thorough.…
Be gentle on self. Each day will present problems or challenges. Could you accept the imperfection?…
Curious is love for growth.Curious is open.Curious is admitting you're wrong.Curious is fascination.Curious is wonder.Curious…
Lean. As in, lean into the discomfort. This is the key to authenticity, love, purpose, connection. When you want to tell a person what you really think or feel, and you sense that tiny fear that you will not be accepted, lean in.When…
I am thankful for holidays. While I playfully set aside historical or religious roots of a holiday, there is a benefit of consistency in assigning days of the year for traditions of gathering, celebration, reflection, gratitude, and peace.…
When you are late for a meeting, give a delayed reply to an email, or make another small error, don't say "I'm sorry".…
Compassion is hearing the needs behind the words.Compassion is connecting to a source of love.Compassion is curiosity.Compassion…
The most courageous work you can do is to stare your deepest layers of terror directly in the eye.The elephant in the room is, we were hurt as children.…
The good life means the voluntary life.Choosing your actions on a daily basis. Freedom."Freedom" is a wide term.…
Value your time like silver.Value your attention like gold. Each is yours, and yours only.Choose consciously to protect time and attention.…
The digital world is still NEW. We're playing with fire. Fire is powerful and beneficial.You can email anyone in the world, anywhere in the world.You…
Intelligence - in its fullest sense - is striking the root. One can be intelligent in a specialized area or areas, and never strike the root, thus never moving beyond a B+ baseline intelligence.Many…
Every choice is yours. 100 percent of them. Your choice to go to bed at a certain time.Your choice to say no to an invitation.Your…
Do important, non-urgent work. Get ahead. Be effective. Work smart. Be proactive. Leverage. Plant seeds.…
Exit politics like a toxic relationship.Because it is.It's rooted in demand-oriented interactions. "Do this, or else."Free…
Letting go is freedom from tiny agitations. Throughout the day fears, worries, and irritations pass through.…
You can put space between input and output.You can put thought between stimulus and response.You can choose your attitude.You…
Doing creates results. Not doing is nothing.Doing creates feedback from reality. Not doing is stuck thinking.Doing…
We are conditioned in school. 13 years, 15,000 hours. The adults condition the kids. I'd know - I've been the adult.But…
The people with whom you spend time affect, influence, and impact you. A lot. The ability to effortfully think and override others' influence is possible.But,…
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.Is it going to play out like a ball of yarn unwinding on its own, moving with rapid and random momentum?Or,…
Possibility requires audacity. Audacity is boldness. Risk. Proactivity. Voluntarily moving into uncomfortable situations.Audacity…
You went through 15,000 hours of public school. That affected you. You were told what you were "supposed" to do, and "this is how things work in the adult world."…
There's a long game. Play it. Your 2030, 2040 self is urging you.We know, "slow and steady wins the race."…
The True Self loves unconditionally.The False Self sets conditions.The True Self is real.The False Self wears masks.The…
Okay, so everything didn't go as planned.That's a fact. Accept it. Get back on track.…
You make errors. You make mistakes.You fail.You doubt yourself.You embarrass yourself.You feel uncomfortable because you realize you don't know anything.…
I'm 31. Three of my closest friends are in their 40's.Another is 18. Another 29. I LOVE having friends of different ages.…
You throw a log into the fire. At first, the fire reduces in size. Later, the fire grows in size.In between, what's needed is time.…
Today is new.You can do whatever you wish.You can create new momentum.You can choose to improve by 1%.…
Slow and Steady wins the race.Fast and Steady wins the championship. But the key is Steady. Be consistent. Be persistent.Go…
A major trait in entrepreneurs is this: One of his or her parents is an entrepreneur.Why?Self-concept and biology.…
Getting rear-ended is not your fault.But you are empowered with the response-ability to act constructively to that event.Getting…
5 minutes a day = 1825 minutes a year. That's 30 hours and 25 minutes a year. What can you do for 5 minutes a day?…
Relentless happiness.Love.Pleasure.Excitement.Creativity.Fulfillment.Health.Peace.Purpose.Companionship.Meaning.Growth.Wealth.Comfort.You are worthy of joy.Go…
One day you'll enter the grave. Option A: "Glad I didn't ruffle feathers and most people liked me."Option B: "Glad I spoke my truth, and some people admired me."Those…
We became tamed horses.It started when we were compelled to stand in line and sit still, on Day 1 of kindergarten.That…
Get good sleep.It takes effort.You'll accomplish more.Ignore the social approval of hard work and effort.Value…
Humans were designed to build, to create.Creating ignites satisfaction, fulfillment, excitement.The more you do it, the more you want to do it.Maybe…
There are 1440 minutes per day. That's 96 fifteen minute chunks. What could you do in 15 minutes of focused time?…
Know your prospect really well.Know your product even better.…
It's stated often and everyone knows it's true, intuitively. "You're the average of the people you spend time with most."Yet,…
1 mindful breathe taken is better than zero.1 self-compassionate thought hatched is better than zero.1 block walked is better than zero.1 push-up lowered is better than zero.1 smile given is better than zero.1 friend supported is better than zero.1 page read is better than zero.1 page written is better than zero.1 gratitude noted is better … Continue reading Think Smaller…
Instead of School Play.Instead of School. Time.Instead of School. Freedom.Instead of School. Movement.Instead…
Non-Zero Days.Take one small, specific action a day. Action builds momentum. Then, you are unstoppable. You are the Hulk, bursting through your skin.(Check…
You are already perfect. You are more than enough. The first step to unconditional self love is to become aware of the voice that doesn't believe you are already perfect.…
Working smart (efficient workflow, effective prep) is vital for sales.LinkedIn Sales Navigator - if used well - serves as a helpful agent in such work.In…